Which activation method should be used to register a device on LoRaWAN® Network Server?

Which activation method should be used to register a device on LoRaWAN® Network Server?

The LoRaWAN® specification defines the activation methods for registering a device on the network. There are two primary activation methods: OTAA (Over-the-Air Activation) and ABP (Activation by Personalization).


Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA):

  • In OTAA, the end-device dynamically negotiates with the network server to obtain the necessary session keys for communication.
  • OTAA is more secure as it provides a mechanism for the device and network to mutually authenticate each other.
  • It involves exchanging join requests and join accept messages over the air during the activation process.
  • OTAA is usually preferred in scenarios where security is a top priority.


Activation by Personalization (ABP):

  • In ABP, the end-device is pre-configured with static session keys (DevAddr, NwkSKey, and AppSKey) that are manually configured on both the device and the network server.
  • ABP is simpler and faster than OTAA because it doesn't involve the join procedure, making it quicker to activate devices.
  • However, ABP is considered less secure compared to OTAA because it lacks the dynamic key negotiation aspect.


The choice between OTAA and ABP depends on the specific requirements of your application. If security is a top priority and there's a need for dynamic key negotiation, OTAA is recommended. If simplicity and faster device activation are more critical for your use case, ABP might be a suitable choice.